Is God Good – Tell me about the God you don’t believe in

Rusty George engages his audience with humor and relatable stories, discussing his football allegiances and his family’s experiences with prayer, while addressing the deep questions people often have about God’s nature. Through a series of anecdotes, he challenges common misconceptions of God, such as the “on-demand” God, the “boyfriend” God, and the “guilt” God, which can lead to a distorted faith experience. Rusty invites listeners to rethink these false views and explore a new understanding of a God who is compassionate, loving, and ever-present, even in moments when He seems silent. Emphasizing the true God revealed in Jesus, Rusty encourages his audience to embrace a faith that offers grace, freedom, and the assurance of God’s presence through life’s struggles.

Did you know that over 6 billion people around the world don’t know Jesus? Even more staggering, 3 billion have never even heard His name. Good News Productions International (GNPI) is on a mission to change that by harnessing the power of media to help people discover, know, and follow Jesus.

For decades, GNPI has been dedicated to spreading the Good News globally, and now they’re launching an ambitious initiative: Mission15. The goal? To share the gospel over one billion times in the next few years.

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By pledging just $15 a month—less than the cost of a couple of lattes—you can help bring the message of Jesus to those who have never heard it. 

Tune in to our podcast episode with Mike Schragge to learn more about the incredible work GNPI is doing. Don’t miss out—get involved today and make an eternal impact!

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