Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

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This Bible story podcast for kids tells the story of Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream. We referenced the following Biblical passages: Daniel 2.  Hey-O Kids Curriculum’s primary goal with the Stories of the Bible animation is to tell the stories from God’s word accurately and in a way that is engaging to children of all ages.

This is Daniel who was a Jewish man who was taken to Babylon when he was very young. Daniel served in the king’s service as a wise man. The king of Babylon was a man named Nebuchadnezzar, and one night he had such disturbing dream that he couldn’t sleep. He called in some of the wise men of his kingdom and demanded that they tell him what he had dreamed. The wise men said, “Tell us the dream and we will tell you what it means.”

But the king told them that they must tell him what the dream was and what it meant. If they did, they would be rewarded, but if they didn’t they would be severely punished. 

The wise men asked again for the king to tell them what the dream was and then they would tell him what it meant. But the king wanted them to tell him what the dream was.

The wise men said that the king’s request was impossible and that no one except the gods can tell someone a dream. The king was furious when he heard this and ordered that all the wise men of Babylon be killed. Because of the king’s decree, men were sent to find and kill Daniel and his friends.

When the men arrived, Daniel asked why the king had ordered such a thing. The men told Daniel what happened with the king’s dream and Daniel went at once to the king to ask for time to tell the king what his dream meant. Then Daniel told his friends – Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego – to pray to God to show them the secret of the king’s dream. 

That night, God showed Daniel secret of the dream in a vision. Daniel praised God for this and then was taken to the king. Daniel said, “There are no wise men, enchanters, magicians, or fortune-tellers who can reveal the king’s secret. But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and he has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the future. Now I will tell you your dream and the visions you saw as you lay on your bed.” And so Daniel told the king what his dream was and what it meant. 

The king bowed before Daniel and praised him. The king said to Daniel, “Truly, your God is the greatest of gods, a revealer of mysteries for you have been able to reveal this secret.” Then the king promoted Daniel to be the chief of all the wise men and also promoted his friends – Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego – in the king’s court.

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