David and Goliath

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This Bible story podcast for kids tells the story of David and Goliath. We referenced the following Biblical passages: 1 Samuel 17. Hey-O Kids Curriculum’s primary goal with the Stories of the Bible animation is to tell the stories from God’s word accurately and in a way that is engaging to children of all ages.

This is David. David was a shepherd who lived in Bethlehem. David was chosen by God to be the next king of Israel when he was just a boy. But David had to wait a very long time until that promise would come true because there was another king of Israel named Saul. Saul led the armies of Israel. David’s older brothers were in the army while David took care of the sheep. 

One day, King Saul was with his army near the valley of Elah. On the other side of this valley the Philistines, the enemies of Israel, gathered their army ready to fight. 

The Philistines had a giant warrior named Goliath who challenged the Israelites. He shouted and taunted them saying, “Choose one man to come down here and fight me!” 

Then Goliath spoke badly of God and his people. For forty days, every morning and evening, Goliath strutted in front of the Israelite army. And the Israelites and King Saul were very afraid.

Meanwhile, David’s father sent David to bring some food to his brothers and their captain. So David left his sheep and set out early in morning. He arrived at the camp just as the Israelite army was going out to battle. David followed the army to find his brothers. As he was talking with them, Goliath came out from the Philistine army and David heard him shout his usual mean taunts to the army of Israel.

As soon as the Israelites saw Goliath, they began to run away in fright. They said, “Have you seen the giant? The king has offered a huge reward to anyone who kills him.”

David asked what the reward would be and then said, “Who is this Philistine anyway, that he is allowed to defy the armies of the living God?”

David’s oldest brother heard David talking to the men and he was angry with him. But David said, “I was only asking a question!” And he continued to ask his question of other men. Then David’s question was reported to King Saul and the king sent for him. 

David said, “Don’t worry about this Philistine. I’ll go fight him!”

Saul said, “There’s no way you can fight him and win. You’re only a boy!”

But David told Saul that he had taken care of his father’s sheep and rescued them from lions and bears. He had even defeated lions and bears when they would try to attack him. So David said he would do the same to Goliath for he had spoken terrible things about the armies of God. Then David declared, “The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and bear will rescue me from this Philistine!” 

So Saul said, “All right, go ahead and may the Lord be with you!”

Saul tried to give David his armor, but he wasn’t used to it. So David left the armor behind and picked up five smooth stones from a stream. Then armed only with his shepherd’s staff and sling, he started across the valley to fight Goliath. 

When Goliath saw him coming, he sneered at him and yelled bad things at David. But David said, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This is the Lord’s battle and he will give you to us.”

Goliath moved closer to attack and David quickly ran out to meet him. He hurled a stone from his sling and it hit Goliath in the forehead. The stone sank in and Goliath stumbled and fell to the ground. The men of Israel rushed after the Philistine army and chased them away. 

So David triumphed over the Philistine with only a sling and a stone, for he had no sword, but he knew the power of God and trusted God to win the battle against the giant.

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