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Small Group Point Person Training

Curriculum, community,
& coaching

Lumivoz was born as a network of podcasts centered around strategic ideas for leaders of small groups. Whether you are stuck in your ministry, or you are just looking for practical wisdom to help you in your ministry context, the Small Group Network (SGN) exists to keep you supported, inspired and informed so no small group point person stands alone.

The Voices Of Experience

All of the leading small group experts in one place. Find the tips you need from the people you trust.

SG² Steve Gladen on Small Groups

Steve Gladen, Saddleback Church's Global Pastor of Small Groups shares tips, advice, and stories from the small group world

Steve Gladen is also the founder of the Small Group Network, a network of small group point people, leaders, and pastors discussing church community strategies. The Small Group Network is an international ministry that equips churches to engage in deeper discipleship and community.

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