How To Have A Successful Retreat

Steve Gladen, Global Small Groups Pastor at Saddleback Church, pulls from his 20+ years of small group ministry experience to encourage and equip listeners to lead healthier, growing and more effective small group ministries. In this episode, Steve talks about how to have a successful retreat for your small group ministry. Steve shares about the successful Saddleback church retreat that he and his team just concluded for their “Community Leaders” who serve to provide care for small group hosts. Steve will break down the following & more in this can’t miss episode:

  • How to have a successful rally 
  • The ingredients of time 
  • The  right time & place 
  • The Ingredients needed for the program
  • Recruitment 


Connections Team –
A week from today we begin our annual CL Retreat. It’s a great opportunity to build your team and inspire them for 2023. Here is some important information so that you will help you get the most out of the event.
Friday Evening
This will be time for you to gather your team together for dinner, fellowship, sharing your vision for 2023, and prepping them for Saturday.
The campus support team will cover the cost of the evening ($25 per person). Charge to Campus 20, Ministry Code 200010.
Get together in a place where you can enjoy the evening and have good conversation.
Use the evening any way you want, but be sure to include these elements:
Meaningful fellowship and getting to know each other at a heart level
Share your vision for your ministry for 2023. An overall Connections team goal this year is to increase small group members’ engagement with the Spiritual Health Assessment to 80% so that our groups are focused more on spiritual growth and health. You might take time to talk about how you can accomplish this as a group.
Take the Spiritual Health Assessment together
Talk about the upcoming One Life Campaign and your hopes for it. Remember the goals: 1,000 new groups, 10,000 people committed to changing one life, 1,000 baptisms at Easter
Tell them what you’d like for them to get out of the Saturday portion of the retreat.
We are hoping to have the new small group app available in the Google Play Store and the App Store (Apple) this week. I’ll let you know when it’s available. Assuming it is, we’d like you to take some time Friday evening to have your team download the app and play with it a bit. It’s going to be a great tool that’s will up our game when it comes to group care.
This will be a time to bring all of our CLs together.
The theme will be “Healthier and Deeper”
The agenda for the day is attached. Breakfast will begin at 8 and we will plan to conclude about 2. During one of the sessions, we’d like you and one of your most seasoned CLs to host a table with CLs from other campuses (#3 on the agenda). During that session, help everyone at the table get to know each other (tell their stories). Then, there are questions for your CL to answer. Use them to facilitate a conversation around the table. Each table will have a combination of existing and potential CLs. This was one of our most popular sessions last year because it allowed CLs from different campuses to connect. It also proved to be a great recruitment tool for the potential CLs. Please let me know by Wednesday who your seasoned CL will be.
This event is to help build your team. If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know. We’re looking forward to a great time together.

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