HERE TO THERE: How to Sustain a Healthy Marriage While in Ministry

Guests: Rex & Andrea Minor 


How has your marriage been impacted by working at a church? How are you navigating the unique stressors of vocational ministry and its influence on your marriage? What are some ways we can build and sustain a healthy marriage that helps us thrive in ministry? In honor of the upcoming Valentine’s Day, this episode focuses on how you can maintain and grow a healthy marriage when you work in ministry. 


Rex Minor:  Over the last 30 years, Rex has been involved in various pastoral positions in the areas of discipleship, spiritual formation, small groups, support/recovery groups and as an executive pastor. He has served in senior leadership roles in large churches in several states. Rex is currently on staff at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA in the area of care and support ministries, 

Andrea Minor:  Andrea has been in vocational ministry for over 25 years in large churches in Illinois, Colorado and California. She has led in the areas of children’s ministries, women’s ministries, creative arts, weekend experiences, and also served as a small groups pastor. Currently she is a minister on the 301 team at Saddleback Church, helping others find and use their spiritual gifts in the life of the church.   

Rex and Andrea have been married for 40 lovely years and have three married grown children and four adorable grandchildren.

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